St John the Baptist School Ferntree Gully
Quality teaching and learning is central to everything we do at St. John the Baptist. Nurturing our students to reach their full potential and flourish is at the heart of all that we do. The students are engaged, focused and happy in a calm, safe and productive learning environment. We intentionally plan and design rich sequences of learning to meet the needs of each and every student. Learning is rigorous, innovative, challenging and engaging.
Guided by the Victorian Curriculum and the Melbourne Archdiocese, we design learning and teaching that encourages children to explore the world in which they live and to develop the skills and understandings that enable them to work successfully in that world.
We believe that the education of the whole child is paramount:
the academic
the social & emotional
the physical
the spiritual
We pride ourselves on providing an inclusive environment that immerses students in rich educational experiences that enables every child to experience success and grow
We provide differentiated learning that fosters the individual needs of each child that develops a love of learning and a drive for excellence
We nurture and engage students in higher order thinking to promote challenge, collaboration, problem solving and creativity to prepare them for their future
We encourage our students to be risk takers; be leaders; be inquisitive; be compassionate change makers and to be the best version of themselves
We are a vibrant faith community that embraces the Gospel values and promotes a community that is built on faith, love and hope
We nurture each person’s development and relationship with their faith and God
We embed the Gospel values in all aspects of school and family life, where our children are engaged and experience a multitude of faith and life experiences to enable them to nurture their relationship with God
We promote and welcome dialogue that creates an environment for students to be enlightened by faith, animated by love and leading to hope.
Our Religious Education program exists to support each of our children to grow individually in their relationship with God and to develop the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that will enable them to take an active role in the faith community.
We provide:
many opportunities for prayer, liturgy, reflection, dialogue and celebration
an environment and atmosphere where the Gospel values align with our .behaviours and actions.
a Religious Education program that is taught through the Pedagogy of Encounter, providing opportunities for students to deepen their faith through the Catholic Tradition and life experience
preparation and participation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation
opportunities to plan and participate in various social justice actions within our feeder secondary schools, local and global community
provide opportunities for students to develop a deep understanding and enactment of Catholic Social Teaching Principles for the common good of all
We promote a love of literature and we see being Literate as critical to participation in society and in our school. English encompasses the skills of:
Reading and viewing
Speaking and listening
English is explicitly taught, as well as underpinning all aspects of the curriculum. We plan and deliver daily comprehensive sequences of learning , aligned with the F-10 Victorian Curriculum and National Literacy Learning Progressions
We enact evidence based teaching practices and high impact teaching strategies, ascertaining the needs of each individual child through a systematic program of:
Work samples
Assessment of data pertaining to their learning
This ensures that each child is challenged at their point of need and are provided with the individual support and assistance required to achieve quality learning outcomes
Mathematics is explicitly taught with an emphasis on being flexible deep thinking, effective and efficient Mathematicians.
We plan and deliver daily comprehensive sequences of learning , aligned with the F-10 Victorian Curriculum, Key Ideas for Mathematics and National Numeracy Learning Progressions
Our Prep to Year 6 Mathematics curriculum ensures learning in:
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Statistics and Probability
Teachers focus on teaching each child at their point of need and supporting each child to develop confidence in the understanding and application of Mathematical concepts
The use of concrete materials and visual representation during the learning of mathematical concepts is vital and a core practice used by our staff to assist in student learning.
This is achieved by embedding the following proficiencies into their learning:
Problem Solving
Our emphasis is on linking student’s learning with the understanding that Maths is a critical area of knowledge and skill in the real world
We aim to enable our students to not only understand mathematical concepts but to recognise how they are used in our world and to apply them in problem solving situations based on real life experiences
Inquiry units are collaboratively planned, designed and enacted in alignment with the F-10 Victorian Curriculum, student voice and agency. This provides students with the responsibility and opportunity to take ownership and direction of their learning, creating independent and self regulated learners.
Inquiry learning is inclusive of:
The Humanities
Civics and Citizenship
Economics and Business
The Capabilities
Personal and Social
Critical and creative thinking
St John the Baptist School is a certified Catholic Earthcare School. Students at St John the Baptist:
Understand the importance of connecting with nature, along with caring and nurturing their environments
Equips students with age appropriate opportunities to care for their home through faith inspired actions.
Reflect on what the school is currently doing in sustainability with an awareness of how this connects to their faith.
Acknowledge and celebrate actions demonstrated across the school that identify and respond to sustainability demonstrating care and responsibility for God’s creation
Specialist Subjects
At St John the Baptist School students are able to access a variety of Specialist subjects in alignment with the Victorian Curriculum.
These subjects include:
Performing Arts - drama, dance and music
Visual Arts
Physical Education
Students have access to each Specialist subject area on a weekly basis.
Digital Technologies
Our Digital Technologies program allows students to embrace the world of technology in their learning. Furthermore, this provides students with the opportunity to become responsible digital citizens.
We have a variety of technologies to support student learning. The junior levels (Prep – Year 2) develop their skills using iPads in a variety of ways to enhance their learning
Our Years 3-6 have access to 1 to 1 Chromebooks. This provides students with the opportunity to enhance their learning and demonstrate their understandings in a variety of ways such as short animations, movies and coding patterns
Our aim is to embed the digital learning into the curriculum whilst providing multiple opportunities for students to enhance and demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways
Students work with the technology in a variety of ways, such as in Literacy and Numeracy groups, collaborating with their peers on a piece of work or enabling research to take place from a variety of sources